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Tag: aviation safety
NEWS Jun 13, 2024 The Future of Aviation Regulation: Keeping Pace With Innovation Regulations are an incredibly complex and nuanced topic within aviation. They can prevent the use of new innovations and severely inhibit progress. But by including regulatory officials into the developmental process, regulations can adapt to the new and changing aviation. Read More →
STORIES Jun 04, 2024 Russian Plane Issues Triple Since Sanctions Imposed In response to Russia's offensive actions in Ukraine, various Western governments imposed sanctions on the Federation. This has led to Russian airlines struggling to find spare parts to fix crippled aircraft and has further contributed to a spike in malfunctions. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL May 10, 2024 Pilot Fatigue: Are We Putting Safety At Risk for Efficiency? In the cockpit of an airliner, certain situations force pilots to make split-second decisions that often-times mean the difference between a safe flight and disaster. The ever increasing pressure to push for more flights and higher efficiency in the commercial aviation industry promote pilot fatigue and threaten aviation safety. How can these issues be improved upon so that the skies are safer for all of us? Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Apr 09, 2024 Flight Safety: Preventing Accidents and Emergencies Learn essential strategies and protocols to prevent accidents and emergencies in aviation. Explore rigorous maintenance, pilot training, and emergency response plans. Read More →
NEWS Nov 02, 2023 Delta Pilot Threatens to Shoot Captain Over Medical Diversion Federal authorities in Utah have indicted a former Delta Air Lines pilot for allegedly trying to shoot his captain during a flight last year. Jonathan Dunn was indicted in a Utah District Court on October 18 for disrupting the crew's operations on a commercial flight. This incident, along with another one involving an Alaska Airlines pilot, signifies the importance of mental health in the aviation industry. Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jul 15, 2023 Where is The Safest Place to Sit On a Plane? Air travel remains the safest form of long-distance transportation. Even as the number of flights worldwide continues to increase year after year, the number of fatal accidents continues to drop. But even despite the highly-safe nature of air travel, one may still wonder: where is the safest place to sit onboard an aircraft? Read More →
INFORMATIONAL Jul 05, 2023 The Sky's the Limit: Exploring the Opportunities for Students in the Field of Aviation Aviation is a promising field for those students who dream of an exciting career in the sky. It's both romantic and rigorous at the same time. No wonder pilots are called the masters of the sky. But for them to be truly so, there must also be skilled teams on the ground to help ensure a quality flight. Let's take a look at the career opportunities for students in aviation. Read More →